Hypozin is a safe agent that is used for optimal strengthening and care of the hoof and frog. The paste contains, among other ingredients, a very high concentration of zinc oxide, in contrast to zinc ointment (only 10% zinc oxide). The zinc oxide provides protection against moisture from outside such as urine, manure and other moisture in the stable or meadow. The ingredients are zinc oxide, demineralised water and glycerine. Available in paste of 100 grams (good for treatment of about 3 to 4 weeks).
Before using Hypozin, the frog must first be cleaned. The decaying parts of the horn should be cut away, preferably by a farrier. Exposing the rotting site is important, as this reduces the growth of the air-shy bacteria that cause the rotting of the frog. After that, apply a layer of Hypozin unto the cleaned frog. Repeat the application daily until satisfactory results are achieved.
Hypozin contains a very high concentration of minerals. These components have a drying effect and provide care against the effects of body fluids such as urine and faeces in the stable. In addition to regular trimming and keeping the hooves clean, Hypozin is used as a care treatment. For this care, you provide the hooves and/or the frog with a thin layer of Hypozin.
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